What is it?
They are 8-month co-ideation laboratories for young people to configure and design solutions for challenges and opportunities identified in the main sectors of the Blue Economy of the Atlantic Area, in collaboration with the business world.
Young people between 16 and 30 years old linked to the ATLIC program in any of the different partner locations that are distributed in four countries: Portugal, Spain, Ireland and France.
These young people must be interested in developing their own project within the Blue Economy and, in the best of the hypotheticals, make it a reality.
Selection process
Participants will be evaluated based on the information they provide in the registration form, which will be accessible until the call closes (1 call per edition/year in 2024, 2025 and 2026).
Selected individuals will be interviewed by staff including at least the local project leader and project director.
Atlantic Innovative Labs
This is the central action of our project, it is the starting point of the Atlantic Communities. The objective is to create a pilot ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. The ecosystem is articulated around open innovation labs (Ideation, Maker and Scale), with training and mentoring where young people and SMEs will collaborate to shape, prototype and commercialize solutions for the priority challenges of the Blue Economy in the Atlantic Area. SMEs will have a prominent role as they will also put their resources and knowledge at the service of the project.
Called the AA Youth Innoblue Labs, it has a hands-on approach through collaborative work, training and mentoring.
Ideation Labs – The great moment of creativity
Objective: to shape challenges and provide solutions by identifying opportunities, in collaboration with companies.
Right now we work through design thinking ideas, create them if we don’t have them, and develop the necessary path to develop our prototypes and projects.

Maker Labs – Training for everyone
Objective: to create products and services for the AA based on Blue Economy principles.
To create these products and services we will need to observe, study and at the same time participate in personalized training.
Scale Labs – We’re going to the streets!
Objective: create paths so that products and services are real.
In this stage, participants will be trained and advised to identify financial support and investors, including the project’s SMEs; for launch, growth,…

Blue Ideas
Young People
Co-Living Experiences
Young people in the project will have the opportunity to participate in the laboratories of other partners, in the same or a different country. They will land in the idea development phase they are in (Ideation, Maker or Scale Labs).

The destination lab will be chosen taking into account the young person’s proposal or the technical availability and resources of the host. Each partner will decide the duration and characteristics according to the age and demand of the young people.

The Atlic project also offers the opportunity for young people from each organization to develop an internship in a company abroad. The partners will seek to ensure that this opportunity has special relevance for each young people project.
Ready to get started?
Contact one of our Labs in France (Nantes and Saint-Nazaire), Ireland (Donegal and Dublin), Portugal (Açores, Alto Minho, Madeira and Santo Tirso) and Spain (Lugo and Santiago de Compostela.
Happy People
Do you want to be like them? You just have to contact us.
Coming soon!!!
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Marissa Hook
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